Professor Micheal
First Year

Posts: 10
« on: December 16, 2007, 04:08:26 pm » |
welcome to Charms! i am your Professor, Professor Micheal! you my not call me Mike, Micheal, or by my user name!!
here you will learn the charms you need to know! if you have any questions just ask me!!
class doesn't star till the 19th but you may still ask questions... and i might give you extra credit!!
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 04:11:10 pm by mikepie »
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HeadMistress GoldenRow
First Year

Posts: 45
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 05:10:59 pm » |
Afternoon, Micheal. Just one thing I have to say: students may call you(above me), by your username, for it is changed. Your username is now Professor Micheal. Oh yes, Micheal, I will make sure to round up all the old students and get em back here for the 19th. 'Kay? I'll email everyone saying that. I might accidently email you, too, because Im going to send an email out to everyone. Just a heads up, Micheal!
I am the HeadMistress! I would like to welcome you all to Snaketoothes School for Wizards and Witches, and hope you enjoy it here.
Professor Micheal
First Year

Posts: 10
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 10:00:14 pm » |
Students, don't forget to have these items: 1.a wand 2.your books The books you need are these: 1. Charms by Gildroy Lockhart(for 2nd years) 2. Basics of Charms also by Gildroy Lockhart(for 1st years) 3. Advanced Charms By Professer Micheal(for 3rd years, if any)
HeadMistress GoldenRow
First Year

Posts: 45
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2007, 01:38:12 pm » |
Yes, yes! Thank you, Professor Micheal. All the students would have NEEDED that list, but just a FEW more books are needed....oh, and...sorry to spoil your fun, but Gilderoy Lockhart did NOT write those books...he only writes DADA books, for he WAS a DADA Professor at Hogwarts. But, your list of books require:- Standard Book of Spells (Grades One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and presumably Seven and Eight) by Miranda Goshawk
- Quintessence: A Quest(Grades One, Two and Three)
- Basics of Charms(Grade One)
- Charms(Grades Two and Three)
- Advanced Charms(Grades Four, Five and Six)
And those are some books needed. The other books Professor Micheal listed are ones you need as well, but forget the Authors he listed(except for the one by himself). These books are required, remember that!
I am the HeadMistress! I would like to welcome you all to Snaketoothes School for Wizards and Witches, and hope you enjoy it here.
Professor Micheal
First Year

Posts: 10
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2007, 08:11:02 pm » |
i hope anyone is here because!! you were supposed to be hear yesterday, even though i wasn't hear as well!! but i was busy, planning what to teach you!!(not really!!) well class starts when at least 1 person posts!!  Sincerely  ,  Professor Micheal 
HeadMistress GoldenRow
First Year

Posts: 45
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2007, 08:30:35 pm » |
Sadly Micheal, they might not be here. But Mia said she might be here....PM her at CM and tell her to get over here.  (her username's mia12, you know that, right? Dont answer that.)
I am the HeadMistress! I would like to welcome you all to Snaketoothes School for Wizards and Witches, and hope you enjoy it here.
Professor Micheal
First Year

Posts: 10
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2007, 07:22:00 pm » |
well that sucks!!! i really wanted to teach!!
HeadMistress GoldenRow
First Year

Posts: 45
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2008, 05:51:30 pm » |
What're you talking about Micheal? You can still teach. Just  Take this wand here: It's a Birch 11'7 Unicorn Yearling Hair wand. You can use that; and it's free, too. Since you're a professor, you get a free wand especially from SnakeToothes. Though I must tell you, The Acromantula Poison Wand is SnakeToothes's specialty. If I didnt have such a magnifcent Dragon HeartString wand, I would have the acromantula poison wand. They're very powerful, as they use real Acromantula Poison, they are VERY powerful. And, they can not be broken from using ANY kind of spell known or possible, it has to be something else even more powerful to break it. It has to be very hard to break, or Acromantula Poison would seep out of the heart of the wand.  Not really though, unless it was broken. So, if you want to teach, I suppose I will give you permssion to tell all students to come on back to snaketoothes. So THEN you can teach! 
I am the HeadMistress! I would like to welcome you all to Snaketoothes School for Wizards and Witches, and hope you enjoy it here.
Professor Micheal
First Year

Posts: 10
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2008, 12:17:10 am » |
ummm... ok!!!
HeadMistress GoldenRow
First Year

Posts: 45
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2008, 09:58:21 pm » |
???That's not what I mean. I meant that I would let you email all the students and tell them to get over here so you can teach them! PM me and ask for the emails. I'll also have a note in there.
I am the HeadMistress! I would like to welcome you all to Snaketoothes School for Wizards and Witches, and hope you enjoy it here.